HR administration

All Lithuanian legal entities as well as foreign companies operating in Lithuania must obligatory keep human resource management in order to maintain personal employee’s records in accordance with Lithuanian Law.

In any organization where there are employed workers (at least one - the general manager), - they are hired and dismissed, changes in positions, directions for business trips, holidays or sick leave are possible. Each of such events should be properly reflected in personnel records, and for this it is necessary to draw up documents and orders, execute employment contracts, additional agreements, travel certificates, make notes in workbooks and personal cards, keep records of events in the registration logs and so on. .

In small companies, accountants or a universal employee of the HR department (HR specialist) are often responsible for performing this function, which deals with both HR selection and HR records administration; In medium-sized companies, there are usually dedicated HR inspectors in the state, and in large organizations, entire departments of specialists in HR management are created to carry out HR administration.

It is not a secret that accountants, who are assigned the function of HR administration, consider the performance of these duties as a burden and often do not work responsibly due to insufficient knowledge of labor law.

If your organization does not have a full-time HR specialist, you can transfer the entire necessary list of operations to EASY OPEN GROUP specialists who will be able to ensure the most effective management of HR administration in your company.

HR administration consists of:

  • We prepare contracts, orders, and requests as required by our clients;
  • We collect logs and registers related to HR administration;
  • We provide reports in accordance with Lithuanian and international standards of IFRS / US GAAP;
  • We prepare remuneration payments in Internet Bank;
  • We prepare and send pay slips (encrypted if needed)

EASY OPEN GROUP specialists fully support and assist during the inspection of the State Labor Inspectorate.